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性侵女童輕判案, 9/25(周六)晚上7點 白玫瑰運動 需要你的加入

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FIFI333 (62)
1 F
2010/9/9 發表
0人 5人

曾香蕉先生發起   台北市凱達格蘭大道前大遊行

9月25日 白玫瑰運動 需要你的加入

日期:9/25(周六) 晚上7點






白玫瑰運動  http://www.xteam.tw/2010/09/%e7%99%bd%e7%8e%ab%e7%91%b0%e9%81%8b%e5%8b%95-925-%e4%bd%a0%e6%88%91%e4%b8%8d%e7%bc%ba%e5%b8%ad/


asoaso (119)
2 F
2010/9/9 發表
0人 0人


cofe55 (987)
3 F
2010/9/12 發表 (2010/9/12 更新)
0人 0人





因為最近有在海外的朋友和媽媽們,也想在國外盡一己之力。 所以我把參加 "白玫瑰運動"的宣導再翻譯成英文版。 希望有住在還外的媽媽及台灣同胞,一起聲援!!

To help our "masters", "Heirlooms", please support the 925 White Rose Movement!!
幫助我們的 "主人翁","傳家寶",請支持925白玫瑰運動!!

I know that both full-time mother, or working mothers, are working very hard and very busy!!

However, this is a rare chance for our treasure children - by the campaign. Missed this time, when will be the next opportunity?!!
但是!! 這是難得為我們寶貝的孩子 -- 所發起的運動。 錯過了這次,下次有機會會是什麼時候呢?!!

People used to say, children are the future masters. Now we say that children are our heirlooms. As the parents, shouldn't we do something significant to help our children whom are the masters of our country and the heirloom of our family; temporarily out from the busy family or workplace out with a little time?
以前的人說,孩子是國家未來的主人翁,現在的人說,孩子是我們的傳家寶。 那身為孩子們的家長的我們,是不是更應該為我們的寶貝主人翁和傳家寶做些對他們有重大幫助的事情; 暫時從忙碌的家事或是職場中抽出一點時間呢?

I am Biyun, Yuh, an ordinary, and full-time mother. With a letter to (my husband said that like the ancient Elam sedan innocence) the President of Taiwan who had heard and also publicly responded: http://bb5.babyhome.com.tw/UPLOAD0/9866/child.jpg . More access to the media after the spread of the news: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnanA4HI_mE&feature=player_embedded

我是喻碧雲,是個平凡不過的鄉下全職媽媽。 可是因為一封投書(我老公說很像是古代的攔轎喊冤),總統聽到了,也公開回應了:

之後更獲得媒體的散播: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnanA4HI_mE&feature=player_embedded

My daughter said her mother look tired in those two days. I said your mother is working hard for the future of yours and the other children in Taiwan, hope to make your future better. My daughter listened and said:"Mommy, you seem is a warrior without sword and shield". "Oh!", her father heard this, he kept applauded and said: "daughter, with these words of yours, you can follow mom's step and submit articles to the Mandarin Daily News".
我大女兒說媽媽你這一兩天好像看起來很累。 我說媽媽是在為你們兩個小朋友,還有全台灣小朋友的未來努力奮鬥,希望可以讓你們的未來更好。 我女兒聽了就說, 媽咪,你好像是沒有劍,沒有盾牌的勇士喔。 她老爸一聽,連聲叫好,說這句話女兒你可以效法媽咪,投稿到國語日報。

In fact, each one of us are the warriors without sword and shield. As long as we throw a little selfish away, for ourselves and also for this society, we can change those unjust pathological phenomenon around us. I believe that people's power and voice, is a national real power and voice. Let's be brave and stand up!
其實,我們每個家長,都可以是沒有劍,沒有盾牌的勇士。 只要我們拋除一點私心,為了自己,也為了社會國家,我們可以改變正在我們週遭,那些不公義病態的現象。 我相信,人民的力量和聲音,才是一個國家真正的力量和聲音。 讓我們勇敢的站出來吧!!

Please support the 925 White Rose Movement!!

1 (3個項目)
