根據加拿大 Canada RNA Biochemical Inc. 所做的研究報告,他們是採用Boluke這家公司所生產的Lumbrokinase 產品與 Nattokinase 納豆激酶這兩種產品,針對血液黏稠度 改善的能力進行評比,結果發現........ 地龍酵素的能力居然高於納豆18倍以上!
NOTE: Nattokinase cannot do what BOLOUKE® can do. Nattokinase is a soybean curd enzyme made in Japan and is being sold as a less expensive alternative to BOLOUKE®. It is designed to digest soybean curd proteins and has a very weak action compared to ours. Also, since Nattokinase is a soy-based product, it is both a digestive inhibitor as well as a neurotoxin and we don't; recommend it. Nattokinase is NOT the same and doesn't work on the same enzymes or increase tPA...
(資料來源:http://www.arrowheadhealthworks.com /bolouke.htm)
請查詢商品名稱:「地龍酵素 」或是「納豆 」