
豆穌朋泡芙🥧凍漲優惠至1/23⏰ 2025蛇來運轉🐍年貨年菜預購🧨 節目評選👉涮嘴零食冠軍🏆 呷七碗年菜單品套組大集合🧨

[好物] 滴滴美蒸餾水機~乾淨純水 / 米酒 不求人~ 健康好水照顧自己和家人~

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2010/5/26 發表 (2010/5/27 更新)
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PC / 奇摩線上購物售價為 : $7,999

一起合購價: $6,400  再享免費內鍋組!!




Make Every Drop of Water "Safe to Drink"

Pollution threatens our environmet and causes serious water contamination.  Even the excessive amount of sterilizer for purifying water cannot guarantee the accessibility to clean water.

The toughest challenge modern people confronts everyday is to find a easiest and feasible way to obtain clean drinking water. A way mostly adopted to make water fit to drink is to install a water filter for domestic use. The repetitious filtering process inevitably causes second contamination of the water on the filter nucleus.

Nevertheless、developed countries employ the most popular and reliable water purifying method--"automatic Distilling Method."

DIDIMI WATER DISTILLER returns pure water into its original status by means of the reduction process which means pollutant and residue being separated from clean water while the water turns into vapors and evaporates.

Merits of utilizing Distilling Method are outlined as follos:

( 1 ) Harmful chemicals、i.e. carcinogenic substance and chlorine will be evaporated out together with the steam as soon as water reaches boiling point.

( 2 ) High-temperature water can not only kill bacteria but also eliminate virus、

( 3 ) Chemical pollutants including pesticide、lead、cadmium、and other heavy metal will precipitate and apart from clean water.





可自行製作純水   將不必要的雜質合金屬殘留物通通留在瓶內

還可自行做米酒 省下大錢


更棒的是搭配內鍋組 可煮飯 / 燉雞湯 / 蒸包子....等多項用途!


妹妹已售出數百台  目前為公司最優良賣家




即日起 只要<<二人一起合購  則免費送$450 內鍋組一台>>


可分送到不同地點  當作貼心禮物也是很棒唷!


通通免運!  貼心貨運送到家!




請至: 奇摩部落格 (http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/sylvia-greatlife/)




市價請參閱 :

 PC HOME (http://shopping.pchome.com.tw/?mod=item&func=exhibit&IT_NO=DMAG22-A46159386&c=A05 )

奇摩 購物中心 (http://buy.yahoo.com.tw/gdsale/gdsale.asp?gdid=19095&act=gdsearch)



每日2點前(不含周末) 收到款項可當天由總公出貨 , 最晚兩天內會送達 (台北縣市當天即可送達,期他縣市最晚隔天)


不論幾台 , 可分送不同地址,一律免運!

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