攪拌器中的 LV 瑞士 Bamix De Luxe 豪華型手持式攪拌器-白色系
攪拌器中的 LV 瑞士 Bamix De Luxe 豪華型手持式攪拌器-白色系
瑞士 Bamix De Luxe 豪華型手持式攪拌器(白色)包含肉類蔬果切碎器、泡沬打拌器、 醬汁攪拌器、磨碎器、置放檯座、食譜、操作手冊、教學光碟
Bamix 391200 deluxe hand mixer with mincer, beater and whisk blades ,processor,standing storage pedestal,instruction video, and the excellent spiral-bound Bamix cookbook如果一項產品您不介意它的價格,堅固耐用是基本要求,使用壽命是強烈考量,故障維修是避之不及,那麼您的挑剔您的苛求終於有了解決方案,至少本項產品應該不會讓您失望。它是世界上最好的攪拌器,同時也是世界上第一支手持式攪拌器,擁有攪拌器之 "勞斯萊斯" 美稱,堪稱攪拌器中之 LV。壽命長達 10年以上,使用超過 20年、30年比比皆是。相信大家幾乎都沒有聽過這個廠牌,雖然是名不見經傳,然而本產品榮獲美國消費者評比 5顆星 評價,功能齊全,純瑞士製造,非中國大陸代工,這是唯一可以攪碎冰塊及堅硬咖啡豆而沒有任何問題的攪拌器,刀頭可直接拆卸替換,符合各種工作所需,一體成型,沒有塑膠齒輪容易龜裂的弊病, 噪音低,零震動,是廚房必備的好幫手,榮獲歐美知名廚師推薦,10年品質保證。也是一款 Vivian 一直考慮再三,不敢輕易介紹的產品,原因就在於價格相當高昂。
報導 1.
Bamix The Must Have Kitchen Appliance
Bamix 一項廚房必備的小家電
The Bamix is a Swiss made hand blender and food processor that has been manufacture for more than fifty years. It is the number one choice for professional chefs throughout the world. The main reason it has become the professional choice is it’s extraordinary quality and versatility. Instead of taking the food to Bamix you take your Bamix to the food. You can use it right inside the jug or bowl of your choice or a saucepan right on the stove top. This versatile machine will mix, mince, puree, emulsify, liquidate, aerate, whip, chop and grind. If you are preparing soups, sauces, salad dressings or mayonnaise, delicious diet smoothies, shakes or fruit drinks, baby foods, cheese’s, bread crumbs, herbs and spices, nuts and grains and much more....You will find that this quick and easy to clean light compact yet powerful machine is your perfect kitchen companion enabling you to switch from one job to another in a matter of moments.
Bamix 是一款瑞士製造的手持式攪拌器及食物處理機,製造歷史已超過 50年。這是一款全世界專業廚師首選的產品,能成為首選的主要原因就在於超凡的品質及多用途性。您可以將攪拌器直接置入任何鍋碗瓢盆,甚至是滾燙的平底鍋直接攪拌而不是將食材放入攪拌器內。這種多用途的機器可以用來從事混合、攪碎、打菜泥、打發蛋白、打飲料、拍打麵糰、切削、研磨等工作。如果您是在準備湯品、醬料、沙拉醬、美乃茲、減肥健康飲料、奶昔或者是果汁、嬰兒食品、起司、麵包糰、草藥及香辛料、堅果及穀類以及其他食材...您可以發覺到這款能夠迅速處理而且容易清洗、外型緊緻卻擁有超強馬力的機器就是您廚房工作的好伴侶,因為它能快速的從一項工作移轉到另一項工作上,省去食物傾倒至傳統攪拌機的麻煩。
Bamix cost more than many hand held blenders (but in the same way that when you buy a Rolls Royce or Cadillac you know you own the best there is and expect a lifetime of use from it)Bamix is no different. Bamix owners reap the rewards of its exceptional quality through years and years of daily use. Bamix are built to last!
也許 Bamix 比其他手持式攪拌器要價不斐 (然而就如當您購買一輛 勞斯萊斯 或者 凱迪拉克是一樣的,您知道您擁有的是最高品質的汽車而且也期望能使用長久) Bamix 的情形也是一樣。藉由經年累月的使用,Bamix 的使用者從它優異的品質中已經獲得實質上效益。事實證明 Bamix 本身就是一款經久耐用的產品。
Chef Gordon Ramsay OBE the famous restaurateur, TV personality and 14 time Michelin Star winner has used a Bamix for almost all of his career. He is quoted as saying "the Bamix Mixer can do things in the kitchen that seem to make ordinary dishes into something great!
Gordon Ramsay 大廚 --- 一位知名的飯店廚師,電視烹飪節目主持人以及擁有 14次 米其林之星 廚藝大賽的得主,在他的烹調工作上幾乎都使用著 Bamix 。就如他的作右銘所說 "Bamix 攪拌器在一般廚房內就能夠將食物處理得井然有序,讓看似無奇的菜餚增色不少。
In fact Gordon has chosen to endorse the Bamix by putting his name to one of the Bamix top of the range models The Gordon Ramsay Signature Edition.
事實上 Gorden 已經將他的名字背書於 Bamix 頂極產品中之一款,做為 Bamix 優良品質的最佳保證。這款型號就直接命名為 Gordon Ramsay 簽名款。
有關於 Gordon Ramsay 本人及 Bamix 攪拌器詳細內容示範 請參考下列 YouTube 影片介紹
報導 2.
Bamix Best Blender Money Can Buy by Charlie Magleid
Bamix 時下所能購得的最佳攪拌器 by Charlie Magleid
My Granny always told me "When you buy cheap you get cheap and there's no value in cheap" I burnt out three or four cheap hand held stick blenders before I decided to pay the extra and buy the Swiss made Bamix Blender.I have owned my Bamix for almost ten years' now,. Granny was right If I had gone for the Bamix in the first place I would not have wasted all the money I paid for blenders that lasted me a matter of months. Sure those cheap blenders looked good on the outside but it's what happens inside that is important. Bamix is truly the Rolls Royce of blenders. Its Swiss made 2 speed motor is not only extremely powerful but also whisper quiet and vibration free. As soon as you use a Bamix you know you own a piece of professional kitchen. Its no wonder it's the number one choice in professional restaurants. In fact Master Chef Gordon Ramsay decided to endorse Bamix after using one for almost 20 years.
我的祖母一直告訴我 "當你去買廉價產品時,價位上是佔盡了便宜,但同時你也獲得低廉的品質" 。在我下定決心要付出高昂的價格購買瑞士製造的 Bamix 攪拌器時,我已經因使用不當而燒掉了 3到 4支廉價的手持式攪拌器。如今我擁有這款 Bamix 已將近 10年了,祖母的話一點都沒錯,如果我第一時間能夠聽她的話直接購買 Bamix 的產品,我就不會平白損失不必要的花費,而這些廉價攪拌器只提供我幾個月的使用時間。事實證明,這些便宜的攪拌器擁有華麗的外表,然而內部的結構才是重點所在。Bamix 的確是貨真價實,稱之為攪拌器中的 "勞斯萊斯" 可當之無愧。此款瑞士製造的攪拌器擁有 2段式速度調整,馬達不僅強勁有力而且攪拌時噪音相當低,幾乎沒有任何震動可言。一旦您使用了 Bamix ,您會明瞭您已經擁有了一款相當專業的廚具了。這也難怪在專業的餐廳裡,它的確是唯一首選。事實上,像大師級廚師 Gordon Ramsay在使用該產品 20年後也義不容辭的決定為 Bamix 背書。
Bamix my number one choice when choosing a wedding gift for my many friends' nieces and nephews who have decided to spend their lives together over the last few years. Incidentally I always pass on Granny's advice.
當我為我朋友的姪女或外甥選購他們終身廝守的結婚禮物時,Bamix 通常是我的第一選擇。附帶一提的是我一直謹記我祖母的忠告。
My personal choice is the Bamix Deluxe. The model Gordon Ramsay Recommends for domestic use and has put his name to.
以我的觀念我個人會選擇 Bamix Deluxe,這是一款項 Gordon Ramsay 大力推薦適合家庭使用的機型而且也是他強力背書的一型。
到底使用壽命如何?還在為保固維修煩惱嗎? Bamix 就是解答
How long has your bamix lasted? 您的 Bamix 可以使用多久?
My mum had one when I was a kid - I know it lasted at least a good 20 years.
家母在我小時候曾經擁有一支-就我所知,它至少用上 20年。
I'm looking at getting one myself, but they are pricey so I want to make sure I'm making a good investment.
Do you have a bamix?
Which model is it? (eg. Basic, Mono, Deluxe, Swissline, Gastro)
What attachments do you have and how well do they work?
What is it capable of doing (eg. crushing ice, nuts, whips cream fast?)
Any recommendations?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker (最佳解答)
fed up woman:(回答者之一)
My mum has one that is at least 30 years old and I got mine is 1990 as a wedding present and still going strong.
我母親擁有的一支至少已使用 30年,我的是在 1990年獲得,那是我的結婚賀禮之一,如今它還是運轉正常。
As for attachments, I hardly use them. I use my bamix mostly to puree or liquidise vegetables into soups , also making pancake mix and milkshakes.
至於配件方面,我很少使用它們。我通常使用我的 Bamix 來打菜泥或者攪碎蔬菜加入湯品中,我也會用它來攪拌煎餅麵糰及製作奶昔。
Can't remember which model it was but mine lasted for 21 years before it died, I recommend buying one!
不記得是那一型號了,但是我的足足使用了 21年直到它損壞為止。我建議您可以買一支試試看。
Bamix 到底是甚麼樣的公司?
Bamix, ESGE AG (Ltd.) Bamix of Switzerland, is a Swiss consumer products company known for the introduction of the first immersion blender.
Bamix, ESGE AG (Ltd.) Bamix of Switzerland是一家瑞士專門製造消費性產品的公司,以製造出世界上第一支沉浸式攪拌器而聞名於世。
beginning in 1954. The name Bamix is a combination of the French words "battre" and "mixer" (beat and mix). The headquarters and production facilities are located in Mettlen, a small village in the German speaking part of eastern Switzerland.
Bamix continues to produce a range of immersion blenders for home and professional use.
公司肇始於 1954年(超過 50年歷史),Bamix 是法文 "battre" 及 "mixer" 的組合字 (拍打及混合)。總部及製造工廠位於 Mettlen ,一個位於瑞士東方鄰近德國的交界處的小鄉村。
Bamix 目前還是持續製造家庭及專業用各種型號的沉浸式攪拌器。
◎大家好,感謝各位對本產品有極大興趣,也許您已經注意到,我的賣場跟別人不一樣,我會把產品加以比較,讓消費者自我評斷。而且對於產品介紹不餘於力,或許我的價格不比別人便宜,但是您可以看見我的網頁內容應該比別人用心,這就是責任問題。我甚至不避諱將產品的優劣評比刊登出來,為了就是讓消費者有一個比較。我也不將產品的英文手冊po上,叫客戶去看英文,自己去比較 ,這種作法怎能獲得認同---這是不負責任的行為。
Bamix 391200 Deluxe 2-Speed Handheld Blender
Overall Rating: ★★★★★ (5 顆星)
Bamix Deluxe Hand Mixer ( stick blender)
by grumpycook , Jun 11 '06
Pros: Powerful, easy to use, easy to clean, makes great smoothies and so much more
Cons: Does not come with 900ml beaker or 400ml beaker
缺點:產品不含 900ml 或 400ml 量杯
I had been researching for a stick blender for some time, when I saw Alton Brown use one on Good Eats on the Food Network, he highly recommended it, but never mentioned it by name. The Bamix DeLuxe Hand blender has a fairly distinctive design, so I ...
By Favorite Kitchen Tool
by mivler , Aug 04 '08
Pros: Very Powerful - Froths milk, grinds flax seeds and crushes ice. Won't Burn Out
Cons: Cleaning is a little annoying (see full review)
After burning out a Brawn and then a Kitchen Aid stick blender I decided to try something a little more powerful. After a lot of research I decided to get the Bamix Deluxe (De Luxe). I have used my Bamix almost on a daily basis (often more than once) for ...
Original and Still the Best
by johnr556 , Sep 02 '08
Pros: Durability; ingenious blade system; very ergonomic
Cons: Not sold in discount stores; more expensive
I bought the first Braun hand blender that became popular over here, at least 15 years ago. As a confirmed blender nut (I own around 25) this was a revelation. I used it a couple of years until it burned out. I purchased a Braun 5-speed, but it ...
Great product for the gourmet chef.
by westcoastgal , Sep 27 '04
Pros: Easily interchange parts as needed. Good handle grip and accessories.
Cons: The plastic stand is not my favorite piece so I don't use it.
My husband bought me the Bamix immersion blender about 1 1/2 years ago. I just love this handy little tool. I like to make smoothies, whip skim milk for low fat treats and make my own dressings and vinaigrettes. That is just some of the uses this ...
My New Favorite Kitchen Toy
by j11914 , Apr 16 '08
Pros: Quick and easy use and even quicker clean up. Simple and compact.
Cons: It didn't come with a beaker.
Saturday's entertainment is going to Costco, joining several hundred others with the same idea of shopping and eating. There's something about the aroma of food while mingling with strangers and nibbling unusual tidbits, sort of, Fair like. As the ...
You Get What You Pay For...
by bettay , Apr 05 '07
Pros: powerful
Cons: none
"You Get What You Pay For!" As my mother always taught me, "You Get What You Pay For!" I bought three Thunderstick Immersion Handheld Blenders and used them so much that I burned them all up. Each one worked great and the price was right, but if I had ...
Bamix deluxe hand mixer
Rating ★★★★★ (5 顆星)
Great Stick Blender!, November 18, 2008
By Jimmy "JKD" (San Jose, CA USA) 加州 聖荷西 (接近矽谷)
I had purchased a Cuisart earlier this year and have been looking for a better hand blender. I went with Bamix because of the reviews and the ability to change blades.
我在今年稍早購買了 Cuisinart 攪拌器,然而還是想尋覓一款品質較佳的手持式攪拌器。我最後選擇 Bamix 的原因在於它有不錯的評價及可拆卸的刀頭,可依不同需求隨時更換。
- pros: 優點
- good balance, powerful motor, makes great mash potatoes.
馬達運轉非常平順,馬力強勁有力 ,做馬鈴薯泥表現可圈可點
- cons: 缺點
non detachable head (not important for me, but could be for some)
handle a bit bigger than my cusinart. My hands aren't too big. Might be a problem for some females.
握把比我的 Cuisinart 稍大,我的手掌沒有那麼大,對於女性使用者可能是一個問題
Bottom line: It is worth it. Very well built.
I've owned my BAMIX hand blender for the past 12-years. It has never let me down and it truly is the most versatile kitchen device in my arsenal of cooking appliances. The machine works well between mixing & blending items on a hot stove, to crushing ice in a single glass for making margaritas, all within seconds apart...(使用超過12年...,使用該型機器攪碎冰塊來製作瑪格麗特雞尾酒)
I have owned and used my Bamix for well over 20 years. I purchased it in 1986 at a county fair after watching all the demonstrations... (使用超過20年)
商品品牌:Bamix (瑞士製造)
產品名稱:豪華手持式攪拌器 Deluxe Hand Mixer with Attachments
產品簡介: 160瓦強力直流馬達驅動沉浸式手持自動攪拌器.。
電壓 110 伏特
設定 1: 10,000 - 12,000 rpm (低轉速 按鈕在上,適合淺碟或平底鍋及少量食材)
設定 2: 15,000 - 17,000 rpm (高轉速 按鈕在下,適合深鍋及大量食材)
泡沬打拌器 :處理所有軟性材料如:醬汁、蛋白等…
醬汁攪拌器 :攪拌及混合所有材料,雞尾酒、沙拉醬、打蛋黃、小型麵糰等…
磨碎器 :磨碎果仁、杏仁、糖、巧克力、各式豆類、香料、甚至咖啡豆
置放檯座 :檯座上附有收納孔,可放置各種刀片
(手工皂使用者建議選用 Cuisinart CSB-76 ---便宜又好用)
產品規格: 全長:345 mm 攪拌軸長 :127mm 重量:5磅 電線長度:1.9公尺
顏 色: 白色
保固期限: 1 年免費零件及服務保固, 附帶 10年零件供應服務
訂 價: NT$ 7,500 (含國際運費)
備 註:1.一體成型設計,攪拌軸直接與馬達結合,沒有卡榫設計,也沒有塑膠齒輪容易龜裂磨損的弊 病,更沒有攪拌軸與馬達接合處容易晃動的問題。低噪音、零震動。
其他產品請參觀我的 部落格: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/vivian-usa
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