
呷七碗年菜單品套組大集合🧨 節目評選👉涮嘴零食冠軍🏆 喜歡中式大餅🥮看這🙋‍♀️32款任選 圍爐招財進寶🧧吃水餃🥟沾喜氣

[優惠] 申一 中秋優惠開跑 全館滿八免運回饋中 團購優惠方案AB大放送 ~http://www.iherg

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2012/9/9 發表
0人 1人

申一 中秋優惠開跑 全館滿八免運回饋中  團購優惠方案AB大放送 ~http://www.ihergo.com/store/ShanePeanut/home

JasonWang (273)完成手機認證: On sale .......NOW  2012/9/19


2012/9/19 發表
0人 0人

回應 JasonWang:


申一 中秋優惠開跑 全館滿八免運回饋中  團購優惠方案AB大放送 ~http://www.ihergo.com/store/ShanePeanut/home


 With diligent effort, Shan E always produces fresh and best quality healthy food such as cashew nuts, almond, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, etc. What is more, we manufacture various of grain/ oat/ flaxseed/ sesame meal for one who demands nutritional and natural food. Today, u ll find u can not only purchase our product in substantial shop but also in virtual store like Rakuten and ihergo. By means of e-commerce, we'd be capable of suppling our health food nationally. No matter where u are, just simply surf our pages, click anything u want, next day, u 'll then receive ShanE food via parcel service or 7-11. For sure, we provide different payment methods which is of security so pls don't worry and don't hesitate to pay bill online. Finally, hope serve everybody soon . 

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